The Research and Application of Regular Plane Graph Detection Approaches 平面规则图形检测算法的研究与应用
A plane graph together with the set of faces it determines is called a plane map. 一个平面图与它所确定的面的集的总体称为一个平面地图。
The above representation of a graph is said to be a plane graph. 一个图的如上所述的表示称为一个平面图。
Adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring on 2-connected outer plane graph 2-连通外平面图的邻点可区别全染色
A configuration is a connected cluster of vertices of a plane graph together with the degrees of the vertices. 一个构形是面图的一连串连通的顶点与这些顶点的度。
Clearly each plane graph has exactly one unbounded face. 显然,每个平面图都有一个无界面。
The Solution to Parallel Projection of Plane Graph in Space 空间平面图形平行投影图的求解
A Mesh Search Algorithm On Plane Graph 平面图网孔搜索算法
By using mathematical induction it has been proved that every plane graph is 4-colourable. 用数学归纳推理的方法,论证了图论中的简单平面图Gn是4着色的。
Generation of All Hamiltonian Cycles in a Plane Graph 平面化图的哈密顿圈的产生
It may be necessary, at first, to analyze the structure of maximum plane graph in order to study four-color problem of a plane graph. 采用常规教学方法研究平面图的四色问题,先对极大平面图的结构进行分析研究也许是必要的。
Making use of the cycles of Hamilton and similar Hamilton, plane graph can be drawn, on a non-plane graph may be decomposed into subgraph of being plane so that the panne routing is easy. 利用Hamilton圈和准Hamilton圈,可以画出一个平面图的平面化图,或者将一个非平面图分解为平面化子图,以便平面布线。
It is well known that every triangle-free plane graph is 3-colorable. 我们知道一个著名的定理不含3-圈的平面图是3-可着色的。
In this paper, we gave the optimization method when drawing the plane graph on the computer screen. 本文给出了在计算机屏幕上绘制平面图形时,提高其绘制效果的优化方法。
The separating circle and separating strip of the maximum plane graph are defined. some simple problem of coloring plane graph is discussed, and one class of four-coloring maximum plane graph is given. 定义了极大平面图的分离圈和分离带,并讨论了一些简单的平面图的着色问题,又给出了一类4-可着色的极大平面图。
An outerplanar graph G is a plane graph with its all venices lying on a face of G. 如果一个平面图的顶点均位于一个面的边界上,则称此图为外平面图。
A plane graph G partitions the rest of the plane into a number of connected regions; 一个平图G把平面划分成若干个连通区域,这些区域的闭包称为G的面。
Structural algorithm of maximum plane graph 极大平面图的构成算法
The 3-regular plane graph and plane triangulation 三正则平面图与平面三角剖分图
Study on color number of maximum plane graph 极大平面图的色数研究
A plane graph G is called a 1 tree if there is a vertex u ∈ V ( G) such that G-u is a forest. 一个平面图G被称为1-树如果存在一个顶点u使得G-u是一个林。
Drawing a geological section or plane graph with computer aided design 地质剖面图和平面图的计算机辅助绘制
This thesis primarily makes below the work of a few aspects: ( 1) The method to append the section line in the geological section plane and the geological plane graph intersected each other; 提出了在相交平面图和剖面图中添加剖面剖切线的方法;
This article introduces a set of system which used in mould manufacture. The system is an equipment for collecting plane graph border statistic, demonstrating and disposing plane graph boundary data. 本文系统地介绍了为模具加工行业研制的一套平面图形边界数据采集、显示、处理系统。
The Optimization Method for to Improving the Effect of the Plane Graph Drawing 提高平面图形绘制效果的优化方法
The plane parallel movement of body was studed. Velocity formula and acceleration formula of point in the plane graph is proved by means of complex vector, and a simple method to obtain the velocity and acceleration is proposed. 研究刚体的平面平行运动,用复矢量方法推导了平面图形内各点的速度、加速度关系式,给出了求解平面图形内各点速度、加速度的简捷方法。
Determine the acceleration of any point in a plane graph using the instantaneous centre and projection methods 用瞬心法和投影法求平面图形内任一点的加速度
This paper expounds the basic principles and methods of drawing a geological section or plane graph with computer aided design. 阐述了计算机辅助绘制地质剖面图和平面图的基本原理和方法,研制了图件绘制的人机交互式软件。
Then a testing theorem for identifying the connected trouble in two separated networks is also presented and verified according to some basic properties of the network. Finally, an application example a new type of plane graph input system is given. 利用网络某些基本性质,提出并证明用于两个分离网络出现连通故障的判断定理,并例举了定理应用实例&新型平面图形输入系统。